Restorative dentistry services blend advanced technology with compassionate care to rejuvenate your oral health and restore your confidence. Whether you're dealing with missing teeth, chips, injuries, gaps, or jaw pain, our team is here to guide you through a range of restorative possibilities. From bridges and ceramic restorations to dentures and root canals, we'll work with you to find the best solution that not only looks natural but also improves your ability to eat, speak, and smile with ease.
That’s why we offer a variety of pain management options tailored to your needs and preferences. Nitrous oxide is available at no extra cost for all restorative procedures, but it's always your choice. We'll work closely with you to ensure your comfort, whether through pain medications, advice on over-the-counter relief, or overall recovery management.
You can expect a comprehensive oral examination, digital and panoramic x-rays, digital photographs to guide the process. This includes diagnostic technology such as DIAGNOdent Diagnostic Laser and the Intra-Oral Camera.
CEREC® tooth restoration is a convenient and healthy way to repair damaged or decayed teeth besides using gold or other metals. CEREC® is a strong, tooth colored ceramic material that restores your teeth back to their strength, beauty, and function, giving a composition closely matched to that of a natural tooth.
Oral surgery goes beyond simple tooth extractions. With our advanced techniques, we handle a variety of procedures to address your oral health needs.
Endodontics is the treatment of the soft pulp tissue inside and surrounding the roots of a tooth. We provide a patient-focused approach to our endodontic procedures with a goal to preserve your natural teeth whenever possible and alleviate pain and discomfort.
Whether you are missing one tooth or several, prosthetic solutions are designed to help give you back your smile and your confidence. We’ll work closely with you to determine the best prosthetic solution for your needs, lifestyle, and budget.
Removable Prosthetics
Fixed Prosthetics
Many leading dental organizations now recognize dental implants as the standard of care for tooth replacement. Dental implants, like natural teeth, transmit chewing forces to the jaw, stimulating it and halting the bone loss.
Benefits of Dental Implants
Mini-Dental Implants
Mini-dental implants hook into a partial or dentures for a more secure connection, which results in a more natural look and function of teeth.
Grafting is a procedure that helps rebuild or repair bone or gum tissue. It can increase the success rate of dental implants and improve oral health.
Broken dentures can disrupt your daily life. That’s why we offer same-day repair services right here in our office. Contact our office during open hours to find a time for repair!
Schedule your appointment and we’ll provide the care you and your teeth deserve!
Monday-Thursday: 7 am - 5 pm
Friday: 8 am - 12 pm
Saturday-Sunday: Closed
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